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Thursday, 19 January 2017

How to Unlock my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge without password?

I bought a new Galaxy S7 to my son for the brithday present, I set a screen lock on the phone when testing the phone on the store, but I have lost my password, and my son can not use the new phone without password. How can I remove the password and enter the phone? Anyone who can help please?
Cara Aktifkan saya Ujung Samsung Galaxy S7 tanpa password?

Saya membeli Galaxy S7 baru untuk anak saya untuk hadir brithday, saya mengatur kunci layar pada ponsel saat pengujian telepon di toko, tapi saya lupa password saya, dan anak saya tidak dapat menggunakan telepon baru tanpa password. Bagaimana saya bisa menghapus password dan masukkan telepon? Siapa pun yang bisa membantu please?

You do not need to download ANY third party software or even connect your phone to computer to remove any screen lock on your phone.

You will lose all data on the phone following the steps below:

You simply turn off the phone. Hold volume up + power button and home button. Stop holding the power button + home button + volume up button when the Samsung logo appears and/or a blue text at the top left of the screen says booting to recovery.

Once it has booted to the Android recovery use the volume up and down keys to select / highlight a option.

Select the wipe data / factory reset option and use the power button to select this option.

Edit: If it asks for a Google and or Samsung account and password, it means the device has FRP (Factory Reset Protection) lock enabled which you can't bypass.

Anda tidak perlu men-download APAPUN perangkat lunak pihak ketiga atau bahkan menghubungkan ponsel ke komputer untuk menghilangkan kunci layar pada ponsel Anda.

Anda akan kehilangan semua data pada ponsel mengikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini:

Anda cukup mematikan telepon. Tahan volume atas + tombol power dan tombol home. Berhenti menahan tombol power + rumah tombol + volume atas tombol ketika logo Samsung muncul dan / atau teks biru di kiri atas layar mengatakan booting ke recovery.

Setelah itu telah boot untuk pemulihan Android menggunakan volume bawah tombol dan untuk memilih / menyorot opsi a.

Pilih wipe data / factory opsi reset dan menggunakan tombol power untuk memilih opsi ini.

Edit: Jika meminta akun dan password Google dan atau Samsung, itu berarti perangkat memiliki FRP (Factory Reset Protection) kunci diaktifkan yang Anda tidak bisa memotong.

Saturday, 14 January 2017

(comic 8) CASINO KING part 1 FULL MOVIE

‘Comic 8: Kasino Kings‘ akan menceritakan misi lanjutan 8 agen rahasia yang berada di bawah pimpinan Indro Warkop untuk menjalankan misi undercover menjadi comic atau stand up comedian, demi mencari seorang comic yang menjadi penghubung ke seorang master kriminal uang bernama The King.
Kedelapan comic tersebut harus melewati banyak proses dan hambatan, dari harus menghindari kejaran penyelidikan interpol dan kepolisian dari peristiwa perampokan sebelumnya, sampai menghadapi kelompok preman dan penjahat cap kampak. Mereka akhirnya berhasil tiba di pulau rahasia milik The King yang menjadi salah satu kasino terbesar di Asia, di mana para penjudinya berasal dari seluruh dunia.
Comic 8 harus memutar otak dan melakukan segala cara untuk bisa membebaskan diri dari perangkap yang menunggu mereka, di mana tugas dari misi ini adalah menangkap The King dan menghancurkan kasino tersebut.

(comic) 8 CASINO KING part 2 FULL MOVIE

‘Comic 8: Kasino Kings‘ akan menceritakan misi lanjutan 8 agen rahasia yang berada di bawah pimpinan Indro Warkop untuk menjalankan misi undercover menjadi comic atau stand up comedian, demi mencari seorang comic yang menjadi penghubung ke seorang master kriminal uang bernama The King.
Kedelapan comic tersebut harus melewati banyak proses dan hambatan, dari harus menghindari kejaran penyelidikan interpol dan kepolisian dari peristiwa perampokan sebelumnya, sampai menghadapi kelompok preman dan penjahat cap kampak. Mereka akhirnya berhasil tiba di pulau rahasia milik The King yang menjadi salah satu kasino terbesar di Asia, di mana para penjudinya berasal dari seluruh dunia.
Comic 8 harus memutar otak dan melakukan segala cara untuk bisa membebaskan diri dari perangkap yang menunggu mereka, di mana tugas dari misi ini adalah menangkap The King dan menghancurkan kasino tersebut.

Friday, 13 January 2017

6 Cara Mudah Meningkatkan Battery Life di Perangkat Android Anda

Smartphones have otherworldly specs these days, so it's relatively uncommon that you hear someone complaining about display resolution, build quality, or general speed and performance. At best, these are secondary concerns, with the number 1 issue almost unilaterally being battery life.
Over the past year here at Gadget Hacks, we've covered lots of awesome ways to squeeze a bit more juice out of your Android device, but these tutorials only focused on one particular mod or another. Truth be told, keeping battery life in check often requires a multi-pronged attack, so today, we'll highlight some of the best battery-saving mods that can be used in conjunction with one another—whether you're rooted or not.

Tidak ada-Root Solusi # 1: Nonaktifkan AMOLED Pixels

No-Root Solution #1: Turn Off AMOLED Pixels

Beberapa smartphone Android menggunakan AMOLED menampilkan hari-hari ini, yang berbeda dari layar LCD tradisional dalam arti bahwa setiap pixel memancarkan cahaya sendiri, sehingga tidak ada backlight diperlukan. Dengan sendirinya, layar AMOLED lebih-listrik yang ramah dari sebuah layar LCD, karena setiap bagian hitam dari layar Anda benar-benar hanya satu set piksel yang tidak menerima apapun jus pada saat itu.

Tapi Anda benar-benar dapat mengambil konsep ini selangkah lebih jauh dan sengaja hitam keluar piksel ekstra pada layar untuk menghemat daya lebih. Ada aplikasi yang sangat berguna yang akan melakukan ini untuk Anda dengan overlay hitam "mesh" pada layar Anda sehingga setiap pixel kelima atau lebih tidak menerangi dan membuang-buang baterai.

Quite a few Android smartphones use AMOLED displays these days, which are different than a traditional LCD screen in the sense that each pixel emits its own light, so no backlight is needed. By itself, an AMOLED display is more power-friendly than an LCD screen, since any black portion of your screen is really just a set of pixels that aren't receiving any juice at that moment.
But you can actually take this concept a step further and intentionally black out extra pixels on your screen to save more power. There's a very useful app that will do this for you by overlaying a black "mesh" on your screen so that every fifth pixel or so is not lighting up and wasting battery.
If that concept sounds interesting to you (it totally should, by the way), make sure to check out our full guide on turning off pixels to squeeze out a bit of extra battery life.

No-Root Solution #2: Disable Data While Your Screen Is Off

Aside from your screen, one of the biggest data-sucking functions on your smartphone is its data connectivity radios. Think about it—these have to constantly scan for the nearest cell tower or Wi-Fi hotspot, and when they're connected, there's always at least a little trickle of internet traffic going that adds a bit of burden to your processor.
These same issues are still present even when you turn your screen off. Your phone's just sitting there in your pocket chewing through battery to make sure that you'll be fully connected to the internet the instant you decide to take it back out. So instead of losing battery life while you're not actively using your device, wouldn't it be cool if these radios would turn themselves off when you turned off your phone's display?
That's exactly the concept behind an app called LeanDroid, which lets you choose exactly how and when you want your data radios to be active. So if you're in the market for some big battery savings, be sure to check our complete data automation guide.

No-Root Solution #3: Adjust System Settings & Disable Apps

Keeping your hardware in check is definitely a great way to save battery life, but making sure your software is set up properly is equally important. By default, Android is set up to where even grandma can use it, but many of these one-size-fits-all options are not needed by all users, so they only serve to deplete your battery.
If you have a few minutes and the gumption to delve into your device's settings menu, you stand to save a significant chunk of battery life with these 7 Android settings that will boost battery life.

Root Solution #1: Get Sony's 'Stamina Mode' Features

To take advantage of these next three battery saving options, your device will need to be rooted. First up is an Xposed module that will basically give you Sony's exclusive "Stamina Mode" feature on any Android device.
Like Stamina Mode, this module very aggressively cuts back on battery-draining functions while you're not using your device, which means you get the benefit of extra battery life while missing out on practically nothing. Initial setup might seem a bit complicated, but it certainly won't be if you follow our guide for mimicking Sony's "Stamina Mode" feature.

Root Solution #2: Use L-Speed Mod

Some potential battery-saving Android settings are buried deep inside of your kernel and other system files, so these aren't as simple to adjust as poking around in a menu. If you have a custom recovery installed, though, L-Speed Mod gives you a nice interface for adjusting some of these options, while automatically optimizing a few others.
L-Speed Mod is a flashable ZIP that automatically optimizes several kernel settings on most Android devices, then provides you with a terminal interface for making further tweaks. To get the full rundown, be sure to check out our guide on boosting performance & battery life with L-Speed.

Root Solution #3: Lower Display Resolution

Last but not least, if your device has a QHD (1440p) display, chances are your graphics processor is wasting battery life by refreshing pixels that you can't even see with the naked eye. We're at a point in the smartphone specs race that several manufacturers are pushing the limits just for the sake of it, and in the case of maximizing pixel density, your device's battery life may be significantly worse off as a result.
Rather than wasting juice powering pixels that you can't see, consider lowering your software display resolution. Chances are, you won't be able to tell the difference other than the additional battery life you'll be getting.
Which of these battery-saving ideas has made the most impact on your device? Let us know in the comment section below, or drop us a line on Android Hacks' Facebook or Twitter, or Gadget Hacks' Facebook, Google+, or Twitter.

Silent Facebook & Messenger Server Update Brings Fast Draining Battery with High Temperatures

Many Android users woke up on January 10 to discover that their phone's performance took a nosedive overnight. Battery life is draining fast, overall performance has been sluggish, and devices seem to be overheating for no apparent reason. Not to worry, this isn't happening because of something you did.
All of these issues seem to be originating from a server-side update to Facebook and Facebook Messenger that occurred silently in the background. It doesn't matter if you actually use the apps or not, they're both constantly running and putting a massive strain on your CPU by forcing it to stay on higher frequencies.
UPDATE: David Marcus from the Facebook Messenger team claimed on January 11 that the server-side issue has been corrected. He stated that restarting the apps should prevent Facebook and Messenger from behaving the way they have been since January 10. Let us know if this works for you, and read on for more information regarding the issues Android users have been facing.

Yes, It Really Is Facebook & Facebook Messenger

Believe it or not, Facebook and Facebook Messenger are the main culprits behind this whole mess. The apps themselves haven't been updated since mid-December, so it appears that Facebook remotely flipped a switch on some behind-the-scenes feature or update that's causing all of these issues.
Not only is the update forcing your phone to stay on the higher frequencies (above sixty percent load in most reports), but the heat being generated is also preventing your phone from fast-charging. And as with any electronic device, heat represents wasted electricity, so that accounts for the terrible battery drain.
Facebook and Facebook Messenger's CPU usage and battery drain are off the charts.
I'm not sure what sort of black magic Facebook used to hide Messenger's name from Android's battery menu and its list of juice-sucking apps, but that doesn't deter us from figuring out who's to blame. Using BetterBatteryStats, it's very clear that Facebook and Facebook Messenger are the real culprits, as both appear at the top of all CPU and battery usage stats.
Just take a look at those crazy system and usage times—all this from two apps which haven't even been launched since the update. The prolonged CPU usage translates into heat, and heat added to the high frequencies means extreme throttling on your phone, which is the reason why it's so slow and laggy. Your expensive device now has only one good use: A hand warmer!

The Solution

Well, the solution is obvious—simply uninstall Facebook and Facebook Messenger until the company gets its shit together. If Facebook and Messenger came preinstalled on your device as bloatware, you can uninstall all updates or disable the apps by heading to Settings -> Apps. You can also uninstall the apps straight from the Google Play Store, but be sure to disable automatic updates from the drop-down menu on the app's Play Store page as well.
Alternatively, you can try force-stopping the apps by heading to the Apps menu in Settings, then selecting Facebook and Facebook Messenger, and tapping the "Force Stop" button at the top of the screen. This will make the apps stop running in the background for at least a little while, but the next time you open Facebook or get a new message, the overheating and battery draining will start right back up.
Let us know if you've experienced these issues on your device, and if the solution worked. Feel free to share any thoughts or comments in the section below.

Make Sure You Never Lose Your Bluetooth Headphones Again

With smartphone makers ditching the headphone jack in the hopes of a truly wireless future, we're having to rely on Bluetooth devices like earbuds and headphones more and more. But the downside here is that these devices aren't physically connected to your phone in any way, which makes it way too easy to leave an important accessory behind.
Thankfully, there's an easy way around this problem. By using the Android automation app MacroDroid, you can make sure that your phone always notifies you when you leave your headphones behind.

Step 1Install MacroDroid

First up, you'll need to install MacroDroid if you haven't already done so. It's a great app with tons of uses, but even this one simple feature makes it more than worth a download.

Step 2Create a Macro & Add a Trigger

Open MacroDroid and tap "Add Macro." Next, from the Triggers tab, scroll down a bit and select "Bluetooth Event."
After that, select "Device Disconnected" from the popup. Next up, you'll have a choice: Either select one of your previously paired Bluetooth devices if you only want this functionality for a particular pair of headphones, or select "Any Device" if you'd like to be notified whenever any Bluetooth device gets left behind.

Step 3Add an Action

Select the Actions tab, then scroll down and choose "Display Notification" from the list. After that, type "Bluetooth Disconnected" into the top field, then write a message like Don't forget your headphones in the second field. This is the text that will be displayed on a notification when you leave your headphones behind.
Beyond that, set the Notification Priority drop-down menu to "Maximum," then choose a nice and loud ringtone as the Notification Sound. Finally, tick the box next to "Overwrite existing notification," then press "OK."

Step 4Save Your Work

When you're done with that, tap the check mark near the bottom-right corner, then type "Bluetooth Disconnected" into the field on the popup. When you're done there, just tap "OK," and your new headphone-saving automation macro will be finished.

Step 5Never Lose Your Bluetooth Headphones Again

From now on, whenever you leave your Bluetooth headphones behind, you'll get a notification as soon as you get out of range. This will also happen when you purposefully disconnect your headphones, but that's a minor byproduct of your new macro. Bottom line, your phone will beep to give you a gentle reminder whenever you leave your headphones behind, so you don't have to worry about losing expensive accessories anymore.

Keep Android's Notification Tray Clean & Clear with a Centralized Hub

Android's notification system is quite robust, especially now that Google added bundled notifications and quick reply features to Android 7.0 Nougat. However, things can still get quite cluttered when you have several unread messages, which fills your status bar with icons and makes your notification tray take up half of the screen by itself.
To help you keep things organized, developer Shashwat Pradhan created an app that will bundle all of your notifications into one clean and simple card. This card will still show you the apps you've missed notifications from, and when you tap it, it'll take you to a sortable list of your notification history. It's an intuitive interface, so if you like to keep things clean and tidy, this one's for you.

Step 1Install Notification Hub

First up, head to the Google Play Store and install Notification Hub, which is the app that will manage your notifications with a cleaner interface.

Step 2Select Apps

When you first launch Notification Hub, you'll be presented with a list of all your installed apps. When you select apps here, their notifications will be bundled together in a single, clean interface. So go through the list and tick the boxes next to apps you would like to get this functionality for, then press the forward-arrow button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 3Grant Permissions

Notification Hub will ask for permission to access your notifications. So press "OK" on this popup, then toggle the switch next to the Notification Hub entry on the following screen and tap "Allow."
Next, tap your back button to head back to the app. From here, you'll be prompted to grant usage access, which allows Notification Hub to organize your notifications. So tap "OK" on this popup, then select Notification Hub on the following menu, and enable the usage access switch.

Step 4Enjoy a Cleaner Notification Hub

With everything set up, your notification tray will always be neat and tidy from now on. When you receive a notification from any app you selected in Step 2, it'll appear as an icon in a single notification card from Notification Hub. Directly beneath that, there's a number that tells you how many messages you've missed from that particular app. But the kicker here is that, even when you get multiple notifications from multiple apps, they'll all show up bundled together on this same card.
Then, when you tap this notification card, you'll be taken to the Notification Hub app. From here, you'll see a history of all your notifications, listed by the time they were posted (you can sort by "Priority" here as well, but note that the "Place" sort method requires an in-app purchase of $3.49). If you tap one of these notifications, you'll be taken directly to the app that posted it, so it's a centralized hub for all your notification needs.
Cover image and screenshots by Dallas Thomas/Gadget Hacks

BUSET... murah banget cuma 700ribuan perbulan (info dari bli bli)

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Smartphone - Pink [LTE - 32 GB]

Brand: Samsung
| Garansi: Garansi Resmi Samsun... info

Rp 8,499,000

Blibli Rewards: 4,250 poin
Cicilan 0% - 6 bln
Rp 1,416,500/bulan
Cicilan 0% - 12 bln
Rp 708,250/bulan

Extra diskon 7% setiap hari Lihat Detil
Khusus pengguna kartu kredit Standard Chartered Visa Platinum
Extra diskon 5% setiap hari Lihat Detil
Khusus pengguna kartu kredit Standard Chartered selain Visa Platinum
  • Garansi Resmi Samsung 1 Tahun
  • OS : Android OS, v5.1.1 ( Lollipop )
  • CPU : Quad-core 1.5 GHz Cortex-A53 & Quad-core 2.1 GHz Cortex-A57
  • Memori : 32 GB dan 4 GB RAM
  • Kamera : 16 MP dan 5 MP
  • Layar : 5.7 Inch Quad HD Super AMOLED

Deskripsi Produk
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Smartphone - Pink [LTE - 32 GB]

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Smartphone - Pink [LTE - 32 GB] merupakan smartphone dengan ukuran layar 5.7 Inch dengan sistem operasi Android 5.1 (Lollipop) dan kapasitas penyimpan 32 GB. Selain itu, smartphone ini dilengkapi dengan S Pen yang memudahkan untuk menuliskan pengingat, daftar dan jadwal. Smartphone ini didukung oleh Samsung Exynos 7420 Octa-core prosesor 64-bit dan dikombinasikan dengan 4 GB RAM.
SKU Number: BLS-25480-00031
Product Code: MTA-0226628

Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Smartphone - Pink [LTE - 32 GB]

  • Brand
    • Samsung
  • Kamera
    • Kamera (utama) 16 MP Kamera (depan) 5 MP
  • Kapasitas Baterai
    • Non-removable Li-Po 3000 mAh battery
  • Memory
    • 4 GB RAM
  • Operating System
    • OS Android v 5.0 ( Lollipop )
  • Sim Card
    • sim Nano-SIM
  • Ukuran Layar
    • 5.7 Inch (Tipe Display Super AMOLED capacitive touchscreen)
  • Memori Internal
    • 32 GB
  • Slot Memori Eksternal
    • -
  • Chipset
    • Exynos 7420
... selengkapnya

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Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Smartphone - Pink [LTE - 32 GB]

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oleh Ronald, 07 May 2016
Smartphone dgn Spek Tinggi, Berkualitas & Murah!
Kalau mau cari Smartphone murah yang berkualitas baik dengan spesifikasi yang mumpuni, mungkin pilihannya bisa jatuh pada produk ini. Selain didukung dengan garansi resmi yang terjamin, produk ini juga didukung dengan purna jual dari merek yang cukup terpercaya. So.. tunggu apalagi gaess... Segera beli produk ini jika anda butuh Smartphone yang MURAH, tapi BAGUS !
Apakah ulasan ini bermanfaat?